101 W Park Ave

Savannah, GA 31401

(912) 441-4891

Call For Appointment

Good Fitness Habits are in Healthy Reach at CustomFit’s Savannah Fitness Studio in Savannah GA.

Longing to get back to face-to-face fitness classes in Savannah again? Remember all that in-person trainer encouragement? The fun of classes in the same space with workout pals?

CustomFit Savannah brings all that in-person goodness back–with maximum safety. (And, as always, with no long-term commitment required.)

Got questions? Email us<mailto:info@customfitcenter.com> or call 912-441-4891.


CustomFit Savannah Air, Space, Sanitation and Other Safety Protocols in Savannah GA

Our Ionized-Air HVAC. New air-ionizing technology breaks down viruses’ protein layers, turning pathogens to particles that fall harmlessly. This system is a tremendous improvement in indoor air quality.  Class Pre-Registration. In healthier days, we welcomed drop-ins. But these days, we ask everyone to pre-register–to help make sure classes
don’t get crowded.

More Time Between Classes and Clients, More Space Between Everyone. Safe spaces for students are brightly marked on our floors. Classes and training sessions are scheduled with more time between, so we can make sure equipment and surfaces are clean, clean, clean!

Frequent, EPA-Approved Equipment Sanitizing. It’s botanically based, with no nasty chemicals! We wipe down high-touch surfaces many times every day. And the whole studio and restrooms are deep-cleaned at least twice a week.
Touchless Thermometer, Pulse Oximeter, and Clean Floors for You. The thermometer and oximeter meter are at the front door, along with a nifty “shoe bath” to help keep the floors clean. And there’s hand sanitizer just about everywhere!


Testing, Testing, Testing for Us. Trainers and class leaders are tested monthly, no matter how great we feel in Savannah, GA

Making Masks Comfortable. Everybody wears them here. (Yes, you can get used to exercising, even intensely, while masked. We’ll tell you how.) And while you exercise, we’ll watch closely for any signs of overexertion.

Super-Healthy Traffic Flow. Everybody comes in our West Park Avenue entrance and goes out the back door on Park Lane. You won’t get caught in a clump of people.

CustomFit Savannah: Work out in our space, or try Zoom training and classes, either is safe! Email us<mailto:info@customfitcenter.com> or call 912-441-4891 to learn more. 

We can’t wait to see you in person or on Zoom, safely and soon!  No membership contracts and we offer a variety of single-visit and multi-class passes. Classes, one-on-one training, small group training with friends or family, everything we do is designed to help you reach your goals.  Call CustomFit Center: (912) 441-4891

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