101 W Park Ave

Savannah, GA 31401

(912) 441-4891

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Yoga Classes

CustomFit Center in Savannah GA has a Fitness Class Just for You!

Fitness Classes at Custom Fit Center are Fun!

Having trouble getting off the couch and into the gym? Need to find a fun activity for yourself that will make you healthier? 

Custom FIt in Savannah, GA is a premier fitness facility that offers an incredible variety of classes and services to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to improve your fitness or just want to have some fun, Custom Fit has the perfect program for you!

HIITmix– (H)igh (I)ntensity (I)nterval (T)raining ramps up the metabolism with bursts of intensity between moderate work. Let’s do this mix with a variety of equipment and workout styles. A sure way to torch the calories.

Muscle-n-Motion- Your body was made to moo-oo-oove. Join us for a cardio and core workout that will leave you feeling exhilarated! YES!

SPORTmix- (S)trength (P)rogressive (O)verload (R)esistance (T)raining. 

Who is your best competitor? YOU. What challenges you will change you!

TRXpress Mix- A little of THIS and a little of THAT. Variety will spice up your workout. Using the very efficient TRX with other strength equipment like weights, tubing, physio-balls, and SO MUCH MORE!

TRX-MetaBlast- A very efficient piece of equipment put to creative use to BLAST your metabolism. Feel all systems ignited in this workout.

Yoga 4 Athletes- Best cross-training for any sport is yoga. A perfect way to improve your athletic performance. Life is a sport!

YogaMotion- Mindful Movement with a fusion of strength, endurance, and restoration to benefit ANY BODY.

Super Saturday- this class delivers a different theme, the first Saturday of each month. Check it out!

Small Group Training (SGT)

Small Group Training (SGT) is your opportunity to work in a small group of like-minded peers, where you will get individualized training that helps you refine your program and push it to the next level while protecting your pocket book! SGT sessions are scheduled directly with a trainer and there is room for you throughout the weekday mornings and evenings. Once you have completed our Intro to CustomFit (required), you can schedule as many sessions each week as fits your schedule and goals!

Group Classes

CustomFit classes are led by some of Savannah’s favorite, most expert fitness professionals. Why not try one today? Multi-class plans and passes are available. But you’ll never have to make a membership commitment.

Extend a “Friendvitation”: Your friend (who is new to CustomFit) comes to class for just $10, and you get a $10 credit.

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