101 W Park Ave

Savannah, GA 31401

(912) 441-4891

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The Ultimate Glute Workout Routine in Savannah

The ultimate glute workout routine will build you a strong booty (it’s a southern thing) and put some power in your workouts and your walk. Get ready to feel confident in the strength of your hips and back as we dive into the secrets of unlocking your full glute potential (spoilers — it’s not secret). Join CustomFit Center in Savannah and let’s embark on a journey toward a perky posterior!

What are the Benefits of Working Out the Glutes?

Most people focus their core workouts on their abs and neglect their backs and glutes. However, having strong glutes is important for many reasons. For one, strong glutes can improve your posture. Additionally, strong glutes can help you stay injury-free by providing stabilization and support for your lower back, knees and hips. The glute muscles help move the legs to the side, and glutes drive you forward and up when walking, running, and climbing. And a nice side effect of strong glutes is looking good 😉 Get going with an ultimate glute routine as part of a balanced approach to your workout.

The Best Exercises for the Glutes in Savannah

Who needs to work on their glutes? Everybody! And we can put together a great glute building workout for you, but first we’d like to take a look at your body mechanics. How can we tell what to work on with you if we don’t see how you move now? We want to check the posture and movement patterns you’re starting with. Then we can demonstrate the best glute exercises that will work in balance with the rest of your core with a specialized program. We like to start where you are now, in order to get where you want to go. We can do all that right here at CustomFit Center.

Some of our best glute exercises include bridges.  Bridges can be done lying on your side, or lying on your back. These can be modified as stabilizing exercises as well as strengthening exercises. From mobility to stability to strength, CustomFit trainers specialize in helping you decide what your focus should be.

Squats, lunges, step ups, deadlifts, and jumps are exercises that progress you from stability to strength to POWER for your glutes.

Strength Training Exercises for the Glutes

There are plenty of strength training exercises that target the glutes, and we’ve compiled the ultimate list to help you get started. These exercises will help to tone and build your glute muscles, giving you a better backside.  Bridges, lunges, and deadlifts are just a few exercises you can learn here at CustomFit that will stabilize and strengthen your glutes.  Stop by the CustomFit Center and let us get you started on your way to a healthier body!

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