101 W Park Ave

Savannah, GA 31401

(912) 441-4891

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Best TRX Suspension training in Savannah, GA

The military prides itself on fitness for readiness. It’s no wonder the TRX system originated from the first portable suspension trainer developed by a Navy SEAL.

TRX is an ‘nickname’ for Total body Resistance eXercise, and was first developed about two decades ago. With the assistance of a simple suspension trainer, you combine two complimentary exercise forms – body weight training and functional fitness. Providing you with both dynamic and stabilizing exercises to suspend your body weight to work against, you develop a unique advantage for strengthening and toning muscle.

Functional fitness involves improving the movement quality and capacity of muscles used every day, for walking, bending, lifting, and reaching. At CustomFit Center, we promote functional exercises to minimize injury due to simple daily tasks of life – playing with the kids, putting away groceries, caring for the family pet, climbing the stairs, not to mention your favorite sports. Functional fitness exercises are designed with a more holistic mindset of working multiple muscle groups,as well as improving and protecting joints. Increasing muscle definition in isolation is nice, but it doesn’t enhance the way your body performs in daily life and sport. TRX makes functional fitness accessible and effective for most anyone.

Best un-gym strength program in Savannah GA

Within 10 minutes, we can take away the intimidation of suspension training and help you get the most out of the TRX.You start with simple exercises and movements that can be tailored to each individual’s fitness level. As you improve, the exercises can become more challenging and core strength becomes a powerful focus. The TRX suspension training program is versatile and effective for getting stronger, more balanced, more nimble, and reducing the risk of common injuries. It’s a progressive, personalized workout that gradually ramps up intensity as fitness improves.

CustomFit has one-on-one TRX training and weekly TRX suspension training classes in Savannah GA

To learn more about this program, or any of our other classes, give us a call at (912) 441-4891, or send us an email at  info@customfitcenter.com

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